The Planning Process
The RainReady Calumet Corridor Plan reflects the diverse priorities of more than 2,100 participants and includes coordinated strategies for beautification, economic development, and stormwater management.
Purpose of the RainReady Plan
The Center for Neighborhood Technology and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began developing this RainReady plan in February 2016 with the following objectives in mind:
- Establish a shared understanding of the scope, severity, and type of flood risk(s) (i.e. basement backup, overland flooding in streets and yards, foundation seepage, and riverine/overbank) across each community in the Calumet Corridor (i.e. know the location, type, cause and impact of flooding).
- Achieve consensus on priority solutions that provide multiple benefits to the community, incorporating both pragmatic opportunism and analytically rigorous cost-benefit analysis.
- Provide municipal and community leaders with a clear roadmap for plan implementation, including partners, funding and financing strategies, policy changes, and local champions.
- Pursue plan implementation concurrent to plan development by advancing priority projects related to transit-oriented development (TOD), outdoor recreation, ecological restoration, industrial and commercial site redevelopment, and residential programs.
Planning and Outreach Approach
Over the course of nine months, the RainReady team held seven community meetings, hosted six educational workshops, reviewed over 100 relevant plans, programs and policies, and set up six Community Steering Committees. 584 residents responded to the RainReady survey, and 2,100 people chatted with the RainReady team. The team developed a new mapping tool to organize all of this information and identify solutions based on flood risk and economic development opportunities.
The resulting RainReady Calumet Corridor Plan sets communities on a path towards improved stormwater management, sustainable economic development, and integrated planning. The document can be used by community residents, municipal staff, and elected officials to collaborate on this shared vision.