Quick Steps

This plan includes hundreds of strategies to reduce flood risk in the Calumet Corridor; however, no set of measures can completely eliminate the chance of flooding. Homeowners should take steps to prepare so that in the event of a big storm, they are well-equipped to respond and recover.

Preparing for Storms

Before the Storm

During the Storm

After the Storm



There are several insurance options available to protect your home from water-related problems: home insurance policies, homeowner riders, and the National Flood Insurance Program. However, no single policy covers every type of flooding. Carefully review your policy before signing up to make sure you understand the terms. There is no flood insurance available to cover foundation seepage.


Download a RainReady fact sheet for more information about reducing your flood risk at home.

10 Steps to Make Your House RainReady

Pull out your rubber boots, and get to work solving your home flooding problem.


Preparing for Heavy Rain + Storms

Simple steps to take before, during, and after the storm to reduce the risk of major damage.


Making Your Yard RainReady

Low-cost landscaping techniques to soak up the rain and keep it away from your building.


Your Building’s Sewer Pipe

Do you understand your building’s sewer connection? A bit of background may help you solve the problem, or at least make you a smarter customer the next time you call the plumber.


RainReady Insurance

Learn more about the types of insurance and what is covered by each.


RainReady Checklist for Home Buyers

Eight steps to check your future home for rain-readiness, before you sign the deed.


Get RainReady with Native Plants

Beautiful, sustainable, and great for soaking up rain! Learn more about native plants.


Get RainReady with Trees

A great resource to understand tree planting and care.
